रविवार, 28 नवंबर 2010


Respect for one's self; regard for one's character; laudable self-esteem.
•dignity: the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; "it was beneath his dignity to cheat"; "showed his true dignity when under pressure"
•Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. Self-esteem encompasses beliefs (for example, "I am competent" or "I am incompetent") and emotions such as triumph, despair, pride and shame. ...
•The knowledge of one's own worth, valuing one's self; pride
Self respect is extremely important in that it effects everything you do in life. How you allow people to treat you and what you will settle for is all based around your self worth and that comes back to the respect you carry for yourself.
Self respect is liking oneself and giving yourself dignity, just like you would give it to any other person. Self respect is such an important thing because without it self love is impossible and loving others in a healthy way is impossible. If you lack self respect, you will allow others to trample...
When you have self-respect, you actually fully love yourself. You love yourself for who you are on the inside and not just because of what you do, what you look like, or what you’re capable of. When you have self-respect.

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